In Memoriam
– Forest Jean-Daniel par Vallet R.
– Mellaart James by Burney C.
– Andersson Strand E., Breniquet C., Nosch M.-L. et Tengberg M. Introduction au dossier « Préhistoire des Textiles au Proche-Orient »/Introduction to the file “Prehistory of Textiles in the Near East”
– Andersson Strand E. The textile chaîne opératoire : Using a multidisciplinary approach to textile archaeology with a focus on the Ancient Near East
– Alfaro C. Textiles from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria)
– Wendrich W. and Ryan P. Phytoliths and Basketry Materials at Çatalhöyük (Turkey): Timelines of growth, harvest and objects life histories
– Nieuwenhuyse O.P., Bartl K., Berghuijs K. and Vogelsang-Eastwood G. The cord-impressed pottery from the Late Neolithic Northern Levant: Case-study Shir (Syria)
– Saña M. and Tornero C. Use of Animal Fibres during the Neolithisation in the Middle Euphrates Valley (Syria): An Archaeozoological Approach
– Rooijakkers C.T. Spinning Animal Fibres at Late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria?
– Good I. Changes in Fiber use and Spinning Technologies on the Iranian P lateau: A comparative and diachronic study of spindle whorls ca 4500-2500 BCE
– Levy J. and Gilead I. Spinning in the 5th millennium in the southern Levant : Aspects of the Textile Economy
– Nieuwenhuyse O.P., BerghuijsK. and Mühl S. A Late Neolithic “fishing net” from Kurdistan, Northern Iraq?
– Thomas A. Restes textiles sur un clou de fondation de Gudea. Étude préliminaire
– Mutin B. Cultural Dynamics in Southern Middle Asia in the fifth and fourth millennia BC : A reconstruction based on ceramic traditions
– Grigson C. Size Matters – Donkeys and Horses in the Prehistory of the Southernmost Levant
– Goder-Goldberger M., Cheng H., Edwards R.L., Marder O., Peleg Y., Yeshurun R. and Frumkin A. Emanuel Cave (Israel): The Site and its Bearing on Early Middle Paleolithic Technological Variability
– Smogorzewska A. Fire Installations in Household Activities. Archaeological study from Tell Arbid (North-East Syria)7
– Rots V. 2010. Prehension and Hafting Traces on Flint Tools A Methodology. Leuven University Press. By S. Beyries.
– Quintero L.A. 2010. Evolution of Lithic Economies in the Levantine Neolithic: Development and Demise of Naviform Core Technology as Seen from ‘Ain Ghazal. Berlin: ex oriente. By F. Briois
– Frangipane M. (ed.) 2010. Economic Centralisation in Formative States. The Archaeological Reconstruction of the Economic System in 4th Millennium Arslantepe. Roma: Sapienza Università di Roma. By P. Butterlin.
– Lovell J.L. and Rowan Y.M. (eds.) 2011. Culture, Chronology and the Chacolithic. Theory and Transition. Oxford and Oakville. By F. Braemer.
– Vatandoust A., Parzinger A. and Helwing B. (eds.) 2011. Early Mining and Metallurgy on the Western Central Iranian Plateau. The First Years of Work. Mainz. By H. Thornton.
Collectif Musique – Images – Instruments 17
Michèle Blanchard-Lemee L’édifice appelé « Maison de Bacchus » à Djemila
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Guillemette Crozet L’art contemporain
Patrice Lajoye Aux origines d’Arsène Lupin
Victor Collard Pierre Bourdieu
Jean-Michel Gibert Les couleurs du vivant
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Patrice LajoyeAux origines d'Arsène Lupin
Victor CollardPierre Bourdieu