In Memoriam
Maurizio Tosi by L.G. Marcucci………………………………………….. 5-7
L. Meignen, J.D. Speth et O. Bar-Yosef
Stratégies de subsistance et fonction de site au Paléolithique moyen récent : apports de la séquence
de Kébara (Mt Carmel, Israël) …………………………………………. 9-47
A. Schuh, B. Dutailly, D. Coutinho Nogueira, F. Santos, B. Arensburg, B. Vandermeersch, H. Coqueugniot et A-m. Tillier
La mandibule de l’adulte Qafzeh 25 (Paléolithique moyen), Basse Galilée. Reconstruction virtuelle 3D
et analyse morphométrique …………………………………………….. 49-59
R. Vallet, J.S. Baldi, H. Naccaro, K. Rasheed, S.A. Saber and S.J. Hamarasheed
New evidence on Uruk expansion in the Central Mesopotamian Zagros Piedmont ………. 61-87
G. Palumb i, C. Alvaro, C. Grifoni and M. Frangipane, with contributions by C. Vignola
and F. Terrasi
A ‘communal’ building of the beginning of the Early Bronze Age at Arslantepe-Malatya (Turkey).
Spatio-functional analysis and interpretation of the archaeological context ………. 89-123
B.A. Saidel
An alternative date for the Nahal Mitnan Cairn Field in the Western Negev Highlands:
Identifying an Early Timnian tumuli tradition in the Southern Levant ……… 125-140
B. Mutin, L.D. Minc, C.C. Lamb erg-Karlovsky and M. Tosi†
Regional and long-distance exchange of an emblematic ‘prestige’ ceramic in the Indo-Iranian
Borderlands. Results of Neutron Activation Analysis……………………………. 141-162
Recensions……………………………………………………………………………….. 163-173
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Guillemette Crozet L’art contemporain
Patrice Lajoye Aux origines d’Arsène Lupin
Victor Collard Pierre Bourdieu
Jean-Michel Gibert Les couleurs du vivant
- Anthropologie et mondes contemporains
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Patrice LajoyeAux origines d'Arsène Lupin
Victor CollardPierre Bourdieu